Preparing a training session for your company? Making a major presentation to a large client or prospective customer? Sharing recipes with your neighbors or for your employees? Then a Spiral Bound Book may be just for you! Spiral bound books lay flat and offer options for covers and content, both in color and black and white. Plus, you can take notes on the inside pages!

We offer multiple sizes both in Portrait and Landscape format, from 4.25” x 5.5”, to 17” x 11”. Download the template you desire from the options provided, set up your artwork for both cover and content, and send us a Print Ready PDF file with fonts outlined and any images embedded.

The functional purpose of a cover is to protect the contents, but perhaps more importantly it is also to attract the attention of the reader. We use only 100 lb Gloss Card stock for our covers and they are usually printed in full color. Spiral Bound Books usually have both a front and rear cover, and to improve the dynamics of a full color front cover. We do not offer UV Coating. If you opt to use a protective plastic cover, as mentioned in the following paragraph.

One of the most common options offered with Spiral Bound Books is a clear, plastic cover to protect the front page of the book with a solid vinyl cover on the back of the book, usually in black.

Depending upon the nature of your project and its use or application, we offer a number of different text stocks for printing the inner pages. The maximum size spiral bound book that we offer is 500 pages. Please note that pages are not the same as sheets of paper. A 500 page book uses 250 sheets of paper printed on two sides. Your pages can be printed in Black on white or in full color and can be printed on both sides of the sheet. To be clear when ordering, if your PDF document calls for 250 pages, please enter 250 pages on the project calculator. Don’t order by sheets!

After identifying the template you want, prepare a Print Ready PDF file of the pages of the book. If printing a unique Front and / or Back cover, please provide a PDF file for each separately and labeled appropriately. We require a minimum of 300 dpi resolution, with fonts outlined and any images embedded. If you can’t convert your documents (such as Word Docs or PowerPoint files) to PDF, please let us know. We can convert them to a Print Ready PDF file for a fee.

We offer you a choice regarding how we provide proofs for approval. We offer a PDF proof of how your document will look which we’ll send to you and you can approve before printing.

Standard turn time for a Spiral Bound Book is seven (7) business days after all approvals have been granted. Shorter turnaround times are available but there is an additional charge. Printing a book is complex and we strongly request that you allow us enough time to do the job right.

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